
Major Work Projects

  1. Prescriptive Actions Engine (BRIAIN)
  2. Social AI Project
  3. conTEXT AI Project
  4. Sales Opportunity Scoring Model
  5. Product Upsell Model
  6. Customer Journey AI
  7. Causality Pipeline
  8. Sales Analysis and Forecasting
  9. Colorimetric Assay Quantification
  10. Proactive Health Activity Prediction and Suggestion
  11. NBA Basketball Health Prediction Using Advanced Wearable Sensors
  12. AI Orchestration Engine
  13. Time Series Transfer Learning
  14. Time series feature database for ML applications
  15. Blood glucose prediction model
  16. ‘Normal Noise Sensitivity’ Deep Model Benchmark

Other Data Science Projects

  1. Entity Matching
  2. Named Entity Recognition for Social Media Posts
  3. Breast Cancer Classification
  4. Tweet Sentiment and Trend Analysis Project
  5. Self Organizing Feature Maps for Explainable Clustering
  6. Neural Spiking Models for Machine Learning
  7. Spark Twitter Streaming Aggregation Analysis
  8. Hillary Clinton Email Sentiment Analysis Project
  9. Classical CV Eigenvalue Linear Algebra Based Object Recognition Project
  10. Classical CV Hough Transform Based Object Recognition Project
  11. Classical CV Image Stitching (Image Mosaic) Application Using Linear Image Homography, Warping, and SIFT Based Feature Matching
  12. Classical CV 3D Surface Reconstruction using 2D Images Project
  13. Classical CV Object Tracking Project Using Histogram Matching Project
  14. Multiple Iris Setosa Dataset Classifiers
  15. Bank Note Fraud Identification Comparison Using LDA vs PCA and Linear Classifiers
  16. Face Emotion Detection Using Poission Regression GLM Model
  17. Custom Standard Neural Network Python Library Package
  18. Multiple Cluster Algorithm Comparison Analysis using Rand Index, Shillouette Score, etc…
  19. TAN and Bayes Net Algorithm Implementations for Lymph Cancer Detection, and Congressional Voting Classification
  20. MNIST Image Classification Using Standard Neural Networks
  21. Non-Parametric Classification Methods for Yeast Classification, and Numeric Wine Scoring
  22. Decision Tree and Random Forrest Algorithm Implementations for Heart Disease Detection, and Diabetes Disease Detection
  23. AI Tic-Tac-Toe Playing Agent
  24. AI Simulated Rumba Agent
  25. RL Poker Playing System
  26. OpenAI Gym Tabular RL System
  27. OpenAI Gym Continuous RL System
  28. OpenAI Gym ML Approximate RL System
  29. OpenAI Gym Deep Learning Based RL System
  30. And Many Others…